My Name is Oktafian Sultan Hakim

Front-End and Blockhain Developer


Front-End Developer

LoRa - Go!

LoRa-Go! is a LoRa Device-based transportation tracking system that enables users to track vehicles, packages, and more in real-time. It uses LoRa technology that allows long-distance communication with low power consumption. The system provides a large amount of data that can be used to monitor, analyze, and evaluate the performance of vehicles, packages, and more. In addition, the system can also help to reduce operational costs and increase productivity.


Blox-Go! is an idea for a data security system that uses Private Blockchain Ganache. The system offers data security solutions through Blox-Go! blockchain technology using a preconfigured Ethereum Ganache node to create a private blockchain node for recording and managing data. This private blockchain avoids the decentralization problems faced by public blockchain systems such as unsecured data exchange and lack of privacy. Blox-Go! offers a range of benefits including high data security, interoperability, and scalability.

UI/UX Developer


iSawit is an equity crowdfunding application idea that aims to help palm farmers get the funding they need to manage their palm plantations. Through the iSawit platform, palm farmers can access investors who are interested in investing in palm plantations and earn returns on their investments. With iSawit, it is hoped that the well-being of palm farmers can be improved and sustainable palm production can be increased. This idea was selected as one of the top 10 finalists in the competition organized by the Ministry of BPDPKS.

Blockchain Developer

NFT Eduverse

NFT Eduverse is an innovative and beneficial platform, especially in the field of education. It enables users to NFTify important documents such as diplomas, journals, books, and more, using blockchain technology to provide a high level of security that makes it difficult to forge or alter these documents. Currently, the NFT Eduverse platform is in the front-end development stage and will soon connect to the blockchain and begin minting NFTs for each document uploaded to the platform. In the long run, NFT Eduverse has the potential to evolve into a broader platform that can be used to NFTify other securities, such as stock certificates and bonds. We are excited about the potential of NFT Eduverse and hope that it can provide great benefits to users and the education industry as a whole.

Softskill Experience

IoT, Web Dev, and Blockchain Assistant Lecturer

As an assistant lecturer in teaching about IoT, web development, and blockchain to students. Firstly, I thoroughly enjoy being a part of the students' learning process and helping them understand difficult concepts. When teaching about IoT, I emphasize and introduce students to basic concepts such as IoT architecture, sensors, and communication protocols. In teaching web development, I focus on developing websites and introduce students to web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks such as ReactJS. In teaching blockchain, I provide an overview of basic blockchain technology and the concept of decentralization, and show students how blockchain technology can be applied in various industries, including fintech, logistics, and real estate.

Open Collaboration

Front-End Development

HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS

Blockchain Development

Smart-Contract, Local, and Testnet Ethereum

Internet of Things

HTTP and MQTT Protocol

UI/UX Designer

Figma, JIRA, an AdobeXD